Certificate Course in CADD Engineering
Fee: ₹1,999

This software is used for planning, analyzing & designing structures like – Buildings, Towers, Bridges, Industrial, Transportation, and Utility Structures.
What Will You Learn
Skills you will gain
Paper 1 - CADD
Chapter 1 - Introduction to CADD
Chapter 2 - Structure Designing By CAD
Paper 2 - STAAD PRO
Chapter 1 - Introduction to STAAD PRO
Chapter 2 - Designing of Structures by STAAD PRO
Chapter 3 - Analysis of Structures by STAAD PRO
Paper 3 - 3D'S MAX
Chapter 1 - Basics of 3D'S MAX
Chapter 2 - 3DS MAX Model Working
Chapter 3 - The implication of structures by 3D'S MAX

Mrs. Rachana Bajaj
APShe has 15 years of experience in teaching Diploma, B.E and M Tech Students in Engineering College and 7 year’s experience in the field of Consultancy. She has command of CAD, STTAAD-PRO, SAP and 3Ds Max software. She has published several research papers in International and National Conferences and Journals. Her Ph.D. topic is “Estimation of Elastic and Inelastic Seismic Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Framed Structures.” She had completed her M.TECH in Structural Engineering in Maharashtra. She received the BEST PAPER AWARD 2021; from RMIT, Tamandu, India and SRIJAN Award 2019.She has Passed NPTEL RCC Course with 81% marks (Elite).Her specialization is in the Structural Analysis and Design. Her passion is teaching. She holds 4th rank in National level Boxing. She received 10 medals in State level Boxing. She also received the KRIDABHUSHAN AWARD from Chief Minister for their special devotion to boxing.
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