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Thumnail_Yoga Sutra & Ashtang Yoga

Certificate on Yoga Sutras & Ashtanga Yoga

This Certificate Course on Yoga enables to understand the underlying concepts of Yoga its relationship with health along…

6 Weeks 9 Lectures English
Aisect Learn Course Thumbnail_v02

Mastering MS Excel Basics

Learn Microsoft Excel the smart way with this comprehensive, hands-on course designed for beginners and those looking to…

6 Weeks 10 Lectures Hinglish
Introduction to Cyber Security in Hindi (1)

Introduction to Cyber Security in Hindi

पाठ्यक्रम के दौरान, छात्र साइबर सुरक्षा की मूल बातें, हैकिंग के तरीके, किसी संगठन में सुरक्षा पेशेवरों के…

1 सप्ताह Hindi
T-Entrepreneurship Skills

Certificate In Entrepreneurship Skills -Hindi

उद्यमिता कौशल" ऑनलाइन पाठ्यक्र पाठ्यक्रम मॉड्यूल: में आपका स्वागत है, यह एक परिवर्तनकारी सीखने की यात्रा है जो…

12 सप्ताह Hindi
IT Held-desk and Assistant – Thumbnail 2

Domestic IT Helpdesk Attendant

Domestic IT Helpdesk Attendant in the IT-ITeS Industry is also known as a Helpdesk Executive, Service Desk Executive,…

12 Weeks 24 Lectures English

UPSC Prelims Mock Test

The UPSC Civil Services Examination (CSE) is a national-level exam in India conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to recruit…

Certificate in Web Development thumbnail_

Certificate in Web development

The Certificate in Web Development course offers foundational knowledge in web development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This…

12 weeks 75 Lectures English

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