Certificate Course in Bee Keeping
Fee: ₹1,999

Importance and Scope of Apiculture. To gain the best knowledge of Traditional and Modern Beekeeping. Role of different institutions/ Training Centers for Beekeeping
What Will You Learn
Skills you will gain
Paper 1 - Beekeeping in worldwide and India
Chapter 1 - Introduction to apiculture - Scope
Chapter 2 - History of beekeeping
Chapter 3 - Beekeeping in India
Chapter 4 - Apiculture development in India- Institute involved
Chapter 5 - Global Survey of Honey bee
Paper 2 - Morphology of Honey Bees & their Enemies and Diseases
Chapter 1 - Morphology of Honey Bee
Chapter 2 - Life- the cycle of Honey bee
Chapter 3 - Biology and internal organs of honeybee
Chapter 4 - Social Organization of a bee colony ( Queen, Drone & Worker)
Chapter 5 - Pests and Diseases of honey bee
Paper 3 - Beekeeping: Tools and Equipment
Good evening Pooja Ma'am, I hope you are doing well.
Chapter 2 - Types of Bee Hives
Chapter 3 - Bee Multiplication of Colony
Chapter 4 - Harvesting, Composition, and Processing of Bee Products
Chapter 5 - Bee Venom

Swapnil Kumar Pandey
Assistant ProfessorThe course coordinator has an experience in academics and research. He has worked in Teaching and has also worked on an ICAR Funded Research Project. Presently he is working as an Assistant Professor at RNTU, Bhopal at Department of Agriculture. He has done various pieces of training at Lac production” at Indian Institute of Natural Resins and Gums, Namkum, Ranchi (Jharkhand) in 2009 Essentiality of Seed production, procession, testing & quality insurance in March 2013, organized by Directorate of seed research Kushmaur, Mau (UP). He has done various trainings at Honey Production” at JUddyan and Khadya Prasanskaran Vibhag , Civil lines ,Prayagraaj. He has done research projects on Storage grain pests on AICRP (NSP) project in Directorate of Seed research Kushmaur Mau.
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