Certificate Course In E-Journalism
Fee: ₹2,000

This course provides an introduction to journalism, the strategies for achieving success as a social media influencer, and the pathways to enter the media industry, particularly in roles such as a presenter or news reader. Additionally, the course aims to equip you with interview preparation skills and enhance your self-confidence.
The Course introduces you to the concepts of Journalism. How to Become a successful social media influencer and How to enter in the media industry as a Presenter/news reader etc. This course will also prepare you for interviews and will build your self-confidence
To make learners understand journalism and the media industry.
In today's world of social media, they can start their own channel successfully on any social media platform
What Will You Learn
After the completion of this course, you will become a trained person in the field of media. You will be able to choose media as a career option.
Skills you will gain
Want to know more about the course?
Course Introduction
Overview of the Course
How is it helpful in self-employment
Technical Knowledge in e-journalism
How is it useful in Event Management
Self Confidence
SWOT Analysis
Strength of self-confidence
What is Motivation?
How it become a habit?
Vision for Motivation
Rules for Motivation
Correct Use of Hindi
Correct Pronunciation
Selection of Words
Flow of Sentence
Use of Punctuations
Effective Use of Language
Correct Use of English
Fusion in Presentation
Demand of Age
Technical Knowledge of Studio
Proper Speaking
Technical Knowledge of Mic
Practical and Demonstration
Visit to Studio
Assessment by MCQ
What is Smartness?
Discovering Individual Smartness
How is it useful in Interview
Dressing Sense
Formal/Official/Casual Dress
Suitable Dress for Presentation
Feel good
Question-based story.
Team Game
Dialogue Delivery
Pitch of Voice
Speed of Speaking
Appropriate Dialogue Delivery
Audio Cassette
Role Game Play
Time Management
Minute-to-minute Program
Effective Announcement
Flexibility in Announcement
Assessment by Preparing Announcement
Uses of Advertisement
Technical Knowledge of Advertisements
Selection of Advertising Teams
Recording of Advertisements
Assessment by making ads.
Correct Language
Pitch of Voice
Speed of Speaking
Appropriate Dress for News Reader
Preparing Today's News
Time Management
Value of Time Management
Tips for Time Management
Effective Time Management
Flexibility in Time Management
Task for Time Management
Event Management
Planning for Event Management
Investment required
Time Management for Event
Pre-requisite for Event Management
Tasks for Event Management.
Interactive Session
Remove hesitation
Enhancing the Listening Skills
Interview Preparation
Pre-preparation for Interview.
Subject Knowledge for Interview
Confidence Level Boosting
Right Partner for Discussion
Practical News Reading
Practical News Reading
Making Video
Posture of News Reader.
Best News Reader Selection.
Practical Ad Making
Audio/video Studio
Completion for Ad Making
Practical Event Management
Ramp Walk
Open Mic
Dress Sense
Given Task
Given Project

Dr. ROLI SHUKLA | Compere
Compere and PresenterCompere and Presenter in All India Radio for 14 years. Made various programmes for AIR including Ghoomta Microphone, Tarane Tab Aur Ab, Yaad Hai Mujhe. -Announcer in National Doordarshan Kendra, Bhopal for 18 years. -Voice Over for the program for President of India, His Excellency Gyani Jail Singh's visit to M.P. -Voice Over for Pulse Polio Program of M.P. Govt. which was especially appreciated by the M.P. Govt. - Produced two Educational Movies for Dept. of Health, Govt. of M.P. including script writing, make-up, and Direction. - Conducted various program for Human Rights Commission, Mahila Evam Bal Vikas Depth., Govt. of M.P. -Prabhakar in Kathak Classical Dance form. Soft skill Expert in RCVP Naronha Administrative Academy Bhopal since last 15 years. Designed Two Courses for LMS System in RCVP Noronha Administrative Academy, Bhopal. 2 books published: Prayaas (Hindi poetry); Optical Fiber
Shareable Certificate

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Certificate in E-Journalism

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