Certification in Counseling


Fee: Free

Dr. Shalini Shrotriya

1. Understand Counselling Fundamentals:
-Define the meaning and goals of counselling.
-Identify the scope of counselling as a profession.
-Recognize professional ethics in counselling, including ACA standards.
-Understand counselling benefits
2. Master the Counselling Process:
-Comprehend the stages and flow of the counselling process.
-Learn about the phases involved in conducting counselling sessions.
3. Explore Counselling Approaches:
-Study various counselling approaches: psychoanalytic, humanistic, behavioral, cognitive.
-Learn about Indian counselling techniques such as Yoga and Meditation.
4. Understand Ethical and Legal Considerations:
-Grasp the ethical and legal frameworks in counselling.
-Learn t.navigate ethical dilemmas and responsibilities.
5. Develop Counselling Skills:
-Identify the qualities and personality characteristics of an effective counsellor.
-Develop key counselling skills: empathy, attending, paraphrasing, reflecting feelings, influencing.
-Enhance personal and professional development.
-Master self-monitoring and decision-making skills

1. Enhanced Professional Competence: Develop a strong foundation in both the theoretical and practical aspects of psychology and counselling.

2. Improved Counselling Skills: Acquire a wide range of counselling skills that can be applied in various contexts.
3. Ethical Awareness: Develop a deep understanding of professional ethics and legal considerations, ensuring responsible practice.

4. Cultural Sensitivity: Learn t.incorporate culturally relevant techniques, making counselling more effective in diverse settings.

5. Holistic Understanding: Achieve a comprehensive understanding of the counselling process, from initial assessment t.intervention and follow-up.

6. Personal Growth: Experience personal and professional growth, becoming a more effective and empathetic counsellor.

Reference Books:

1. Aguilera, D.C. (1998). Crisis Intervention: Theory and Methodology (8thEd.) Philadelphia: Mosby.

2. Belkin, G. S. (1998). Introduction t.Counselling (3rd Ed.) Iowa: W. C. Brown.

3. Capuzzi,D. &Gross, D. R. (2007). Counselling and Psychotherapy: Theories and Interventions (4th Ed.) New Delhi. Pearson.

4. Corey, G. (2009) Counselling and Psychotherapy; Theory and Practice.(7th Ed.) New Delhi: Cengage Learning

5. Friedlander, M.L. & Diamond, G.M. (2012).Couple and Family Therapy. In E. M. Altmaier and J.C.

6. Hansen (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Counselling Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.

7. Geldard, K. &Geldard, D. (2011).Counselling Children: A Practical Introduction ( 3rd Ed.) New Delhi: Sage.

8. Gibson, R. L. & Mitchell, M. H. (2012).Introduction t.Counselling and Guidance (7th Ed.)
New Delhi: Pearson.

9. Gladding, S. T. (2012). Counselling: A Comprehensive Profession. (7th Ed) New Delhi. Pearson.

10. Hansen, J.C. (2012). Contemporary Counselling Psychology. In E. M. Altmaier and J.C. Hansen (Eds) The Oxford Handbook of Counselling Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.

11. Kapur, M. (2011).Counselling Children with Psychological Problems. New Delhi, Pearson.

12. Rao, K. (2010). Psychological Interventions: From Theory t.Practice. In G. Misra (Ed): Psychology in India. Volume 3: Clinical and Health Psychology. New Delhi. ICSSR/ Pearson

13. Rao, S.N. & Sahaj pal, P. (2013) Counselling and Guidance. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill.

14. Seligman, L.& Reichenberg ,L.W.(2010). Theories of Counselling and Psychotherapy: Systems, Strategies, and Skills. 3rd Ed. Indian reprint: Pearson.

15. Sharf, R. S. (2012). Theories of Psychotherapy &Counselling: Concepts and Cases (5th Ed). Brooks/ Cole Cengage Learning.

16. Udupa, K. N. (1985). Stress and its Management by Yoga. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas

17. Edward E., Jacobs; Robert L., Masson & Riley L., Harvill. (2001)

18. Group Counselling: Strategies and Skills. (4th edi) London: Wadsworth. Gladding .T.S (2017).

19. Counseling: A Comprehensive Profession. (7th ed.) Pearson. Malchiodi, C.A. (Ed.). 2005.

20. 20 .Geldard, K. &Geldard, D. (2011).Counselling Children: A Practical Introduction ( 3rd Ed.) New Delhi: Sage.

21. Seligman, L.& Reichenberg ,L.W.(2010). Theories of Counselling and Psychotherapy: Systems, Strategies, and Skills. 3rd Ed. Indian reprint: Pearson Group Counselling: Strategies and Skills



What Will You Learn

Skills you will gain