Daily Expense Tracker System
Self-Paced Projects
Fee: ₹499
The Daily Expense Tracker System project is a web-based application that allows users to keep track of their daily expenses. The system enables users to input and categorize their expenses, view their spending history, and generate expense reports. The system also allows users to set budgets and receive notifications when they are about to exceed their spending limits.
The Daily Expense Tracker System project is a web-based application that allows users to keep track of their daily expenses. The system is designed to be simple and user-friendly, allowing users to easily input and categorize their expenses, view their spending history, and generate expense reports. The system also allows users to set budgets and receive notifications when they are about to exceed their spending limits.
To provide a simple and user-friendly web-based application for tracking daily expenses.
To enable users to input and categorize their expenses.
To allow users to view their spending history and generate expense reports.
To enable users to set budgets and receive notifications when they are about to exceed their spending limits.
What Will You Learn
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Building the front-end of the web application. PHP and MySQL: Developing the back-end of the web application. User authentication and authorization: Implementing a secure login system. CRUD operations: Creating, reading, updating, and deleting data from the database. Data visualization: Displaying data in a table or graph format.
Skills you will gain
Project's Prelude
Project's Problem Description
Project's Problem Statement
Project's Objective
Project's Expected Features
Project's Future Enhancement
High level Architecture and workflow and Technology
Other Details

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