Diploma in Cyber Security – New Age
Self -Paced
Fee: ₹6,499

To prepare students with the technical knowledge and skills needed to protect and defend computer systems and networks
What Will You Learn
Skills you will gain
Paper 1 - Introduction to Cybersecurity & Computer Forensics
Chapter 1 - Introduction to CyberSecurity, Basic Cyber Security Concepts, Layers of Security, Vulnerability, Threat, Harmful Acts
Chapter 2 - Internet Governance - Challenges and Constraints, Computer Criminals, CIA Triad, Assets and Threat, Motive of Attackers, Active attacks, Passive Attacks, Software Attacks, Hardware Attacks
Chapter 3 - Cyber Threats-Cyber Warfare, Cyber Crime, Cyber Terrorism, Cyber Espionage, Comprehensive Cyber Security Policy
Chapter 4 - Historical background of Cyber Forensics, Digital Forensics Science, Cyber Security Regulations, Roles of International Law, National Cyber Security Policy
Chapter 5 - Forensics Analysis of Email, Digital Forensics Lifecycle, Forensics Investigation, Challenges in Computer Forensics
Paper 2 - Digital Communication & Computer Networks
Chapter 1 - Data Communications, Data Transmission Modes, Network Categories, Physical Structures
Chapter 2 - Physical Topology, Analog, And Digital, Transmission Impairment, Data Rate Limits
Chapter 3 - Multiplexing, Transmission Media, Switching
Chapter 4 - Data Transmission and Modes, OSI Model, TCP/IP Protocol Suite, Connecting Devices
Chapter 5 - Internet Protocol Address, Common Network Applications
Paper 3 - Fundamentals of Windows NT & Linux Operating Systems
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Windows NT, Networking with Windows NT Server 4.0, Windows NT System Architecture, NT Environmental Subsystems
Chapter 2 - Comparing Windows NT and OSI Network Layers, Networking with Windows NT's Protocols, File System, NTFS File System, Security & Windows NT, C2 Security, and its Requirement
Chapter 3 - Windows NT Server Installation, Win NT- Domain Models, Domain Architecture & Security, Working with User Manager for Domains, Sharing & Securing Folders and Files
Chapter 4 - Introduction to Linux, UNIX Command Line Basics, The Linux Environment, The Linux Virtual Filesystem (VFS)
Chapter 5 - File Attributes, Changing File Attributes with chmod, Text Editing Tools
Paper 4 - Network Security and Cryptography
Chapter 1 - Computer Security Concepts, The OSI Security Architecture, Security Attacks, A Model for Network Security
Chapter 2 - Classical Encryption Techniques, Block Ciphers, and the Data Encryption Standard, Advanced Encryption Standard, Block Cipher Operation
Chapter 3 - Public-Key Cryptography, Principles of Public-Key Cryptosystems, The RSA Algorithm, Public-Key Cryptosystems, Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange, Elliptic Curve Arithmetic, Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Chapter 4 - Cryptographic Hash Functions, Applications of Cryptographic Hash Functions, Requirements and Security, Hash Functions Based on Cipher Block Chaining
Chapter 5 - Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), Message Authentication Codes, Message Authentication Functions, Security of MACs
Paper 5 - Python Programming for Cyber Security
Chapter 1- Introduction to Python Programming, Why Python is Better For Cybersecurity, Environment Setup, Data Structures in Python
Chapter 2 - Python Libraries for Data Analysis, Tactics and Techniques of Attack, MITRE ATT&CK, Accessing Code Samples
Chapter 3 - Installing Packages, Scanning Networks with scapy, Performing a DNS Scan in scapy, Network Scanning for Defenders
Chapter 4 - Offensive DNS Exploration, Handling DNS Requests, Discovering Default Accounts
Chapter 5 - Starting SSH Connections in Python, Account Monitoring for Defenders
Paper 6 - Cyber Security Frameworks and Security Operations
Chapter 1 - Framework Introduction, Risk Management, and the Cybersecurity Framework, Framework Basics, Framework Implementation Tiers
Chapter 2 - Coordination of Framework Implementation, How to Use the Framework, Establishing or Improving a Cybersecurity Program, Communicating Cybersecurity Requirements with Stakeholders
Chapter 3 - Self-Assessing Cybersecurity Risk with the Framework, Background of Security Operations, What is Security Operations Center (SOC) & its role?
Chapter 4 - Security Operations Center (SOC) Organization Model, Security Operations Center (SOC) Capabilities, Security Operations Center (SOC) Tool Architecture
Chapter 5 - Structuring the Security Operations Center (SOC), Other Enabling Policies, Intrusion Detection System
Paper 7 - Exploitation and Malware Analysis
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Exploitation, Basic Malware Analysis, Tools for Malware Analysis
Chapter 2 - Malware Analysis in Virtual Machines, Basic Dynamic Analysis, Analyzing Malicious Windows Programs
Chapter 3 - Debugging, Kernel Debugging with WinDbg, Malware Behavior
Chapter 4 - Covert Malware Launching, Anti-Disassembly, Anti-Debugging
Chapter 5 - Anti-Virtual Machine Techniques, Packers and Unpacking, Shellcode Analysis
Paper 8 - Network and Internet Security
Chapter 1 - Network Access Control and Cloud Security Transport-Level Security Wireless Network Security
Chapter 2 - Electronic Mail Security IP Security Cryptographic Suites
Chapter 3 - Malicious Software Types of Malicious Software Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
Chapter 4 - Intruders Intrusion Detection Password Management
Chapter 5 - Firewalls Types of Firewalls
Paper 9 - Python for Cyber Offense and Defense
Chapter 1 - Introduction to Windows Event Logs, Accessing Event Logs in Python, Identifying Unauthorized Access to Default Accounts
Chapter 2 - Converting Python Scripts to Windows Executables, Windows Management Instrumentation, WMI Event Monitoring for Defenders, WMI in Windows Event Logs
Chapter 3 - Identifying Suspicious Tasks, Modifying Autorun Keys with Python, Hijack Execution Flow, Modifying the Windows Path
Chapter 4 - Boot or Logon Initialization Scripts, Detecting Suspicious Python Libraries, Impair Defenses, Dumping Credentials from Web Browsers
Chapter 5 - Parsing Output and Decrypting Passwords, Performing Discovery, File, and Directory Discovery

Dr. Rajendra Gupta
Associate ProfessorAssociate Professor, Department of Computer Science & Information Technology, Rabindranath Tagore University (Formerly known as AISECT University), Raisen Member Secretariat, IQAC, RNTU Awarded Ph.D in Computer Science, M.Sc (IT) and M.Sc. (Physics) Awarded Distinguished Research Professional Award 2019 from Women Innovation Entrepreneur Foundation (WIEF) & Indian Academy of Law & Management (IALM) supported by DST, New Delhi Awarded Best Promising Trainer Award from CRPF, Bhopal in 31st March 2018 Awarded Best Promising Facilitator Award from CRPF, Bhopal in 1st May 2017 22 years of working experiences in Government and Non-Government Sectors in the field of Computer Science. Teaching and research areas belong to Networking, Network Security, Data Mining, Statistical Analysis etc. Published 54 research papers in International and National Journals Designed 4 Self Learning Materials for MP Bhoj University, Bhopal. Academic collaboration like BOS Member, Editorial Board Member with other academic institutions Proficiency in Graphics Designing & 2D Animation
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