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Certificate in Graphic Design Course

The course comprises fundamentals of graphic design along with many niche skillsets enhancements. Industry trends and demand are…

12 weeks 40 Lectures Hindi

Certificate in 3D Animation

This course provides students with the fundamental skills to animate effectively with simple objects and characters necessary to…

12 weeks 40 Lectures Hindi

Certificate in Motion Graphics and Video Editing

In this course, the students will learn about video editing with adobe premiere pro and motion graphics/animation with…

12 weeks 40 Lectures Hindi
Creating Voice Recorder Using Python

Creating Voice Recorder Using Python

Creating a voice recorder application in Python involves several steps. First, you'll need to choose a library for…

Game Using Python

Hangman Game Using Python

Hangman is a classic word-guessing game where one player thinks of a word and the other player tries…

Seo Search Engine Project

Seo Suggestion Search Engine Project

The SEO Suggestion Search Engine Project is an initiative aimed at improving the visibility, traffic, engagement, credibility, and…


Vehicle Movement Based Street Lights Project

The Vehicle Movement Based Street Lights Project is an innovative solution for street lighting that aims to conserve…

22 Lectures English